“The House of Prayer is a welcoming place where love and acceptance abound. You feel seen and known, despite all the havoc you may have caused before arriving. It’s a place where God’s tangible presence and goodness are experienced – which is the essence of grace – and a paradigm shift is possible. My life changed there.”
– Tucker Hagan, Program Graduate and Former Staff Member
Tom Barron, Director
Tom Barron is the Pastor and the Executive Director of the House of Prayer. He has been a pastor for many years. Tom and his wife, Mary, have 3 children and 4 grandchildren. They are all born-again Christians who have dedicated their lives to serving the Lord. After being released from a kidnapping experience while on a mission trip in Haiti, Tom heard the Lord speak to him. Just before his release, through the Word of God found in Isaiah 60:1, God said “Arise, shine for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.” This word brought forth a passion and mission to bring new life to those captive to drug and alcohol addiction. The vision for the House of Prayer the Lord gave to him was born in 2008 and continues to unfold today. Glory be to God!
Mary Barron, Qualified Professional
Mary Barron, Tom’s wife, joined the House of Prayer as the Qualified Professional in 2008 after working 25 years in health care as an occupational therapist. “I am thrilled to be able to share our Lord Jesus Christ who is the deliverer and healer. I am blessed to watch His miracles at work in the men at the House of Prayer daily!” I want to be a “Presence” carrier… my life a worship offering… “Here I am, Lord, send me!”
Dustin Byrd, House Manager
My name is Dustin Byrd. I came to the House of Prayer in December 2020 after battling addiction for over 14 years and losing everything. I wanted a change in life, I knew there had to be more to life than the way I was living. I was broken when I arrived and caught up in so much bondage. I came to get clean, but I found so much more. I found the love of Christ Jesus here, I found my identity in Christ Jesus, I found freedom. Upon arriving to the HOP, I had never been to church or opened a bible. I could not read, and the Lord blessed me with the ability to read His word and it came alive in my life. I fell in love with God’s word and now have a relationship with Him. The Lord has done so much more in my life, and I give Him all the glory.
2 Corinthians 5:17
“Therefore if anyone is in Christ, this person is a new creation: the old things passed away: behold, new things have come.”